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Here's What You Get:

Instant access to hundreds of videos and workouts
The Head Movement Training Program
How to Fight Bigger People
How to Fight Multiple Attackers
The Ultimate Program
The Striking Dojo
Leg Locks – The Great Equalizer
The Knife Defense Mastery Course
*Bonus* The Mp3 Head Movement Workout
*Bonus* The Mp3 Striking Workout
*Bonus* The 'Philly Shell' Seminar
...and much more!

Henry Wong

Verified Customer

I've bought your head movement, fighting bigger opponents, striking dojo, fighting multiple opponents and, of course, your knife defense course. Your programs are jammed packed with techniques, critiques, observations, insights and suggestions.

 I can't absorb everything and only put into practice about 25%, but even that helps tremendously when I work I out with the fellas in my group who are all much younger than I am. (I am 64).

I only work out once a week with the group, and spend more time working out by myself as I once did a few years ago, so your training regiments have made a tremendous difference.

Henry Wong
Martial Artist

Phil Chapman

Verified Customer

On a personal note, I want to tell you about how much I enjoy your programs.

It all started when I saw your dodging video 5 years ago. I've purchased every program as you have released it and have never been anything less than thrilled.

Although I work in a creative field, my beliefs are always firmly rooted in science. So to watch as you devote yourself to the test/retest method (always at the risk of pain) to find what works and what doesn't and then explain your findings in a manner which promotes repeatability for the audience is what sets you far apart from the others. Not to mention you have really sharpened your comedic timing.

Your vids are the reason why I constantly mystify my friends with my hand speed, footwork and angles, and make them feel silly for throwing 12 hit combos on pads without ever moving their feet.

Now enough Bro'ing out! I have things to do!

Phil Chapman

Russell Friesen

Verified Customer

Can I just say that even after 25+ years of martial arts, police work, and as a law enforcement instructor, I am still getting a s***-ton of awesome nuggets of info from both your knife defense and fighting bigger people course

Some things I do already (or do subconsciously), and some I am currently training to add to my repertoire. I like the way you think as a fighter and the all-access pass was well worth it- and I’ve barely scratched the surface so far.

Thank you so much- can’t recommend your videos enough, but I’ll try!

Russ F.

...two weeks after I got your course and had been practicing it, I got jumped by an inmate during a cell search with his some-made shank. I used your sleeve defense and it worked perfectly.  He attacked exactly the way you showed us and that I trained for.  He first shoved and then grabbed my shirt with his left hand and came in low on the right with the shank.  Your defense worked perfectly and I walked without a scratch. Now I teach my guys that technique and I'm pushing all of them to buy your stuff.  You sent me home safe bro and I appreciate it!!!

If you want to use this comment as part of your marketing please do so just leave my name out of it due to HIPAA laws and various state laws that govern correctional officers here. They could fire me if this comment was connected to me. but anyway thanks again looking forward to the rest of your training. 


Fight Smart