The Most Important Punch To Dodge

And The Outcomes That We Also Dodge

Here are some kind words that I've received

(from folks who have been through the training)

Life Changing

Without getting too long winded I wanted to let you know how life changing your program has been to me, and by extension to those that I have been training with.

I've obviously been implementing your techniques and training with great results (I'm killing my peers with the head movement game).

I can't even tell you how helpful it is that you not only break down the technique, but also that you show us the real application and drills.  I get to climb inside your head and know what you're thinking because you explain why you implement every detail.

Overall it really is an invaluable program, and I just wanted to personally thank you for all that you've put into it.

Adam Thompson

Martial Artist


Dear Trav,

I've been practicing head movement and stuff 3 times a week, and I gotta say, it's really changed my game around. 

I still get hit a few times, but it's never where the other person was actually trying to hit - I can take forearm/shoulder hits all day, and I've only taken like 1-2 hits to the chin from doing something stupid. It's awesome!

And working my footwork just changed everything so much I can really dance around a guy and drive them crazy. Thanks!

Best regards,

Ray Chou

Martial Artist

Utterly Fantastic

Hey Trav,

I'm compelled to express how utterly fantastic your HM program is! 

Either as a stand alone or an addition to an existing discipline, your program is world class. 

Thanks for the great videos and master instruction.

I have learned more from your classes in weeks than I have in years. Rock on!!

P.S.  When will you conduct another live seminar?

Dan Galarza


Top Shelf


Your videos are top shelf sir.

I'm one of the real deal subscribers that purchased the head movement program several months ago, and just gotta say it has significantly upped my game. My balance and stability when throwing punches and kicks is way more solid, I'm faster, much more squirrelly, and much harder to hit.

You have dispelled my previous belief that one can't learn badass martial arts skills on the Internets.

Carry on good man, I will continue to train and work the head movement skills.



The Most Effective Tool

Hey Trav, Just wanted to send a quick email to let you know I have been using the drills in your head movement program religiously for about 3 months now.

It is quite literally the most effective tool I have in my arsenal, especially when combined with these counter attacks.

I just wanted to say thanks for your time and effort with your videos and that if you ever find yourself in British Columbia, swing by our school! Your teaching would be invaluable and I would love to see you slip a few punches  

Thanks again Trav.

Rich Mott


Greatly Improved

Hey Trav,

I'm a member of the head movement program (and still very much just a beginner), but I wanted to tell you just how much you have helped so far. The lessons have greatly improved my skills, but even more my confidence.

I just wanted to let you know how much of a difference you're making, (in case you ever get to questioning your life while sitting behind a screen). Keep up the great work. I look forward to honing my skills as we go along.

Tristan Monroe

U.S. Military

Need some assistance?

Scrolling eh?  Well, if you need something, I'm prepared to promptly type a reply as quickly as my two index fingers will allow.



Wanted to let you know my fight tonight went great, slipped a few wild shots early got a sweet osoto gari and swung into an arm triangle. 

Quick finish and not a scratch thanks to your head movement drills. 

Thanks again man!

James Dalton

Competitive Fighter

Loving It

Hi Trav,

I'm just sending this to say thank you so much for these programmes. I am 17 years old and a black belt in karate and found this head movement course to be very helpful when sparring.

Not only does it help me to remain calm but also dodge a lot of quick punches. Thanks so much, keep doing what you're doing.  I’m really loving the course and recommend it to anybody out there!


Martial Artist

The Best

Hey Trav,

I purchased the head movement training... it's the best training I've ever purchased.

It has helped me immensely and I use it daily...  it is my meditation!

It has also made watching boxing/mma more fun and interesting... you are an excellent teacher and keep things fun.

Mike Sampson



Hi Trav, I am 44 years old, love boxing but never had the balls to stand up for myself.  I have been watching your videos for a while and had my 1st street fight a week ago.

I am very proud to say that I threw the overhand right set-up from the bob and weave course and knocked the guy straight out (and then all his friends S#$% themselves and backed off).

Thank you so much for your lessons and I guarantee no one is ever going to mess with me again!  Thank you Trav.

Ace McDermott



 I love this program, the training is great and your coaching is excellent. I have learned a lot and I'm both a boxing and thai boxing coach with over twenty years of martial arts training behind me.

This program would help anyone who wants to learn how to improve their defense, movement and fitness.

Thanks again for the great program and the comedy works a treat; your students are a great laugh and everyone loves a laugh, life is to short to be a serious boring s*** head Best,


Hull Wing Chun


Trav, So there I was, yesterday, the sole occupant of an elevator in a Seattle hotel. Suddenly, almost without warning or forethought, I broke into a some quick head movement reps. The audience of my subconscious cheered as I slickly dodged and slipped punches from an opponent much larger than the ectomorph that is yours truly. Triumphant, the 7th floor suddenly appeared in front of me, and I continued my day as if I had not just wore the hell out of a vicious opponent in the elevator.

Rick Weldner

Elevator Ninja


Fight Smart,
P.O Box 390,
Glenmoore PA, 19343
United States

...two weeks after I got your course and had been practicing it, I got jumped by an inmate during a cell search with his some-made shank. I used your sleeve defense and it worked perfectly.  He attacked exactly the way you showed us and that I trained for.  He first shoved and then grabbed my shirt with his left hand and came in low on the right with the shank.  Your defense worked perfectly and I walked without a scratch. Now I teach my guys that technique and I'm pushing all of them to buy your stuff.  You sent me home safe bro and I appreciate it!!!

If you want to use this comment as part of your marketing please do so just leave my name out of it due to HIPAA laws and various state laws that govern correctional officers here. They could fire me if this comment was connected to me. but anyway thanks again looking forward to the rest of your training. 


Fight Smart