The Knife Defense Mini-Series

Real Techniques For Defending Against A Knife Attack

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"The moves in this mini course will work
regardless of the attack your opponent chooses..."

In the real world,  you don't have time to 'read' the knife attack as it's approaching your vital organs... and then react with the specific appropriate defense (in milliseconds).

(It can be done, but it can't be done reliably.)

As such, we need methods of deflection that can be made to work against any knife attack... and the 'guessing game' must be eliminated.

It's a zero sum game; if you miss, you might die.

This knife defense system was built with exhaustive TESTING... we didn't just pick the stuff that looks cool.

As you've already seen, much of the 'bare hand vs. blade' stuff out there is just nonsense... entire styles are packed with techniques that don't work.

Well, we tested them.

We tested hundreds of techniques, and again determined which could be used with reasonable reliability... and which resulted in my death in the majority of tests.

If I 'died' significantly more than I 'lived' when trying a technique, we threw it in the trash.

After collecting a set of techniques that actually worked, we tested them against an assortment of different attacks.  Whenever possible, we modified these defenses to make them more versatile.

As I've already mentioned, in several cases, we were able to make the techniques work regardless of the knife attack that our opponent chose... whether it was an overhand stab, overhand slash, straight stab,  backhanded slash, or even a grab with the non-knife arm.

These versatile defenses became the foundation of our style...

(which you can learn by filling out this form:)

So, in this three video course, I will give you The Cardinal Rules of knife defense, I will break down the exact percentages of each attack that you are likely to see, and I will teach you the most reliable defenses for these attacks.

We also reveal some fun tricks that will allow you to control your opponent's 'knife arm', when you successfully pull them off.

Perhaps we will revolutionize the world of Knife Self-Defense... I will leave it up to you to be the judge.

Sign up for the course, and tell me what you think. (It doesn't cost anything.)

And dude… my lawyers have encouraged me to point out that 'results may vary'. I personally find knife defense techniques fascinating... so I think about them constantly.

I obsess over the details in each movement like a mad scientist, and I practice practice practice.

Through practice and testing, I’m able to figure out exactly what makes each movement WORK, and WHY.

As a result of this extensive effort, I'm able to deflect knives away from my body before my organs are punctured, and then counter-strike with reasonable accuracy... and it's not that hard.

Those who don’t pay attention, those who don’t practice, and those who don’t focus on the technique will probably get poked.

In fact, the trainees who do everything right, STILL get poked! It’s part of the chaos inherent in the realm of knife defense!

Nothing is 100% in this game... ever.

At the end of the day, what you're about to see is a SIMPLE system for protecting yourself against knife attacks, when you just don't have a choice…

While “results may vary”, it is absolutely possible to prevent ANY sharp object from touching you, while counter-striking in a way that will end the conflict.

Welcome to the system... let's get started.

Fill out this form, and I'll redirect you immediately to the first video... where I start you how it's done. (The rest of the series will be emailed to you):


Fight Smart,
P.O Box 390,
Glenmoore PA, 19343
United States

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