MMA Fighter vs. Knife Attack

The Power of Skill And Technique

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Two weeks after I got your course and had been practicing it, I got jumped by an inmate during a cell search, and he had a shank. I used your sleeve defense and it worked perfectly! Also I loved the way you presented the statistics. statistically what to practice for literally made me faster, he attacked exactly the way I trained for, in other words he first shoved and then grabbed my shirt with his left hand and came in low on the right with the shank. your defense worked perfectly and I walked without a scratch I now teach my guys that technique and I'm pushing all of them to buy your stuff. you sent me home safe bro and I appreciate it!!! 

if you want to use this comment as part of your marketing please do so just leave my name out of it due to HIPAA laws and various state laws that govern correctional officers here. they can actually fire me if this comment was connected to me that's why I sent it as an email but anyway thanks again looking forward to the rest of your training.


Correctional Officer
Super-max facility for the criminally insane



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Pure Gold

Hi Trav,

I just wanted to fire off a quick email and say how glad I am I invested in your Knife course material. It is a rare thing to find a teacher who simply wants to share good quality material with the only intent being to develop the student. So far I am reviewing the Knife Mastery and the Head Movement course and the material is pure gold!

Thank you,  



Really Shines

This course is great man. When I tested it, I was able to avoid anything fatal and counter with the few lessons I’ve seen. Knife defense is ugly but I like your approach, as usual. This course really shines when you mix it with other courses though. The striking course and leg lock course makes me feel totally confident in my skill to punch someone’s lights out and keep them down. All we need now is an actual arm locks course   



Freakin' Cool

Hey Trav,
Great program, I love it. Your perspective is real world and includes everything: striking, throwing, positioning etc. Coming from a traditional Jiu Jitsu system, it looks and feels very traditional which is why I love it. You bring traditional combative martial arts principles and tactics into the modern world, which is freakin cool.
Thanks again, and it helps that your entertaining. Now off to teach and throw some youngsters around in my kids classes. Thanks for doing this, I think it's awesome.  

Charles Orchard  

Total Ryu Martial Arts Inc


This course revolutionizes Knife Defense. It basically clears out all the crap you see on the internet and teaches you stuff that works in many situations.  




Hey, Trav! I have a couple of things I wanted to ask you about, but first things first: I am enamored with this Knife Defense course so far even being only a few videos in. I can't wait to dive into the rest of this as time allows.  



Love the Material

I made it through the course for the first time to familiarize myself with the material. Now I am ready to start partner training. I love the material, great job as always.  



Amazing Stuff

Hi Trav,

I am working my way through your Knife Defense course and there's so much sense to what I’ve seen so far, even though I have no striking experience. I’m only a 4 stripe blue belt in jitz, but I like to think it gives me some slightly honed bull detection abilities.

The lesson plan and the collecting of skills is definitely what keeps me interested in training jitz. I applied your hand check/jab (from the down thrust knife position) to jitz sparring in the gi and I’ve been nailing their sleeve straight into an arm drag or a trip! Results there

Ignoring my waffle, love the vids, editing, humor etc. and the fact that you obviously love teaching, it comes across all the better in the content. Amazing stuff, can’t wait to start drilling

All the best to you mate,  


Jiu Jitsu Practitioner


Hey Trav,

I’ve practiced self defense for about three years and the dojo I attend has quite a focus on knife defense. However, after having completed your course on Knife Defense I honestly can state that now for the first time I understand what is important in a dynamic knife defense situation. You provide a great concept that is simple, easy-to-understand, easy-to-practice, and effective. For sure it was not the last time I will go through your course.

I have been a fan of fight smart since I completed your Head Movement program. And I liked the Knife Defense course so much I finally ordered some fight smart t-shirts. I was hesitating because the shipping cost to Germany would cause a major hole in my retirement plan. Great course! Thank you! I hope you will sell a lot of stuff and get obscenely rich!

Have a good time!  



The Missing Piece

Hey, I gotta tell ya, I’m not a fighter but I’ve studied martial arts since I was a kid (I’m 52 now). My black belt, and most of my time, has been studying Ed Parker’s American Kenpo. I love it and have felt it is the most practical MA I’ve studied.  The instructor at our particular school remains traditional requiring extensive Kenpo knowledge for black belt testing as well as a Jiu Jitsu requirement and some Kung fu for completeness.  However, even with that and sparing, I’ve always felt there was something missing. 

YOU’VE PROVIDED THE COMPLETENESS! THE KEY! THE MISSING PIECE! YOU ARE THE MISSING LINK! The combination of your real life experience, with essentially scientific testing, in full speed attacks is absolutely brilliant! It seems like such an obvious concept yet you were the first to do it!  I have simplified my Kenpo techniques for my son and added your stuff! 

Excellent job and thanks!  


Martial Artist

Thank You

I viewed the entire Knife program and I’m glad I did. Your research into the best and simplest moves and techniques are worth viewing and practicing time and time again. I'm so glad I purchased the Knife video and now I'm finally able to start viewing Fighting Bigger People. Unfortunately; I'm not a young buck anymore and turning 54 this month I'm now getting arthritis in the knees. These techniques are great for my limited mobility (No deep squatting or lunging).

I also want to say your humor makes these video enjoyable to watch along with attached real-life situation videos that explain in detail how to avoid being slashed or stabbed. Every Martial Artist, regardless of their system, needs to incorporate these videos into their arsenal. They are simple and tested for all to see.

Thank you so much for your time and effort in putting these together.  


Not a young buck


As a Martial Artist and self defense enthusiast I have been looking for a realistic knife defense guide for a long time. I have seen many teachers of Krav Maga, Kali and others teaching knife defense. I am not going to say they didn’t work although they didn’t work for me well. I am a guy who believes in sparring (slow & hard). For me if I can’t use a technique in sparring, then I can’t use it in a fight. Here Trav’s “Knife Defense Mastery Program” Shines. He teaches “Non Committal” defense against knife attacks in this course so that you can react to their tricks and fakes, which is much more realistic for a knife attack. The “Full Committal” defense that the others teach always got me stabbed in sparring sessions because if they’re tricking or faking, your defense is all in at that point and they’ve got you.
I wanna give Trav a “HUUUGGE Thanks” for taking time to think about this course and produce it. This course is the most realistic course for knife defense I have ever seen.    


Martial Artist

Absolutely Stellar

I just finished the Knife Self Defense course and I have to say that you really outdid yourself this time. This course was absolutely stellar! It’s very clear and easy to see that lots of work and effort was put into it. I absolutely loved how you left no stone unturned in the Knife Defense game.

I like how the course is set up with 4 parts covering each subject and using American football techniques in order to have a functional advantage was very clever. Overall it was a lot of fun to watch and learn. It really did live up to the hype and then some.

The conclusions you put are always heartwarming and I always look forward to them. I feel much safer against a knife attack now than before as long as I keep practicing everything I learned. These videos completely shift the conversation about knife defense to a completely new angle, the same way you did with multiple attackers. Instead of saying it can’t be done, now we are saying it can and here’s the proof.

Well done, Trav!  



Super Detailed

So far I think it is great. I expected just a few videos, but was very happy to see that the whole course is already laid out and the videos are super detailed. One was like 30 min long! I have recently started training with the BJJ and Judo with the gi, so the lessons on isolating the knife I thought were very effective and easy to learn. I also feel like combining this with your footwork lessons and adding in the FMA lessons for situational awareness are also a great help. Overall I’m still trying to take everything in and get in as many reps as possible, but so far I love the program. Well worth the money!  


BJJ and Judo Practitioner

Excellent Stuff

You have made me a crazy person, I have ordered my first ever rubber knife. I have someone to practice with gently. 

I am very excited, I wish I had someone to throw and wrestle, but no takers so far. I want to try some of the take downs. 

It’s excellent stuff. It’s the most friendly, kind spirited training to kick the snot out of attackers ever.

Thanks Trav


Crazy Person

Nothing Like It!

From what I’ve seen of the Knife Defense course, there is nothing like it! I mean it! Usually self defense systems and techniques (especially weapon defense) are very unrealistic and very dangerous for the defender.

 I really like how you took the MMA formula and applied it to knife defense. 

The course is very good, high quality and down to earth. Even now I feel safer if I am to get attacked with a knife hahaha. I really appreciate the material you put out man, keep up the good work!



Better Than Anything


I love the Knife Self Defense program so far. I have trained in Krav Maga. They they teach to block and strike at the same time, but that’s where the similarities end. Some of the knife defense lessons that I learned from Krav Maga did not make me feel comfortable. If I was ever in a situation where a person is attacking me with a knife, I would pick your training to save my life.

I have purchased many of your programs because they make sense. Thank you for creating this program. On hand to hand fighting and defense your lessons are much better than anything I’ve tried before. I know that de-escalation is the goal, and for the last 18 years it has worked for me. If I do need to fight and defend myself or my family I know that I can fight smart.

Thank you!  


Krav Maga Practitioner


I'm really enjoying your course. I've done competitive fencing; mostly epee (no right of way rules just poking the whole body), and saber (the  poking-slashing weapon).  Sure, fencing is a sport and as such lacks the realism of a true free-for-all fight, but the distancing and the feints and the parries are all there.

Thanks for putting all of this amazing information.



Top Quality

So far I love the course, I just need to convince someone to join me in training this. I still have a lot of content to crunch thru, but I’m sure it’s on point as usual.

Also kudos for continually delivering top quality content in your videos, I genuinely appreciate the effort. From the business side of things I enjoy seeing the attention to detail in the content that matters.



Fight Smart