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Here what folks are saying about each program

(Starting with The How to Fight Bigger People)

Improved Dramatically

I've learned a ton so far in this program. Watched every video and am more than halfway through completing the drills. I am psyched to keep training this, and repeat, and ingrain it more. Through this training I am confident that I could win a fight with a much bigger and stronger opponent if necessary. I'm not by nature the most coordinated guy but by sticking to the techniques and drills in this program, by getting the form down through your awesome videos (and then doing a lot of repetition), I know I have improved dramatically... I will be very dangerous if I need to use this in a fight. Working this program makes me more psyched to get back into a dojo/gym again at some point to do more sparring. Looking forward to learning more from your website and your future programs. Best wishes with your new ninja tyke in training.

Erik Nielsen


Diabolically Effective

The horizontal elbow... Diabolically effective. Tonight I was sparring with a bigger opponent and I was doing a pretty good job of slipping his punches but he was getting frustrated and got a little aggressive, so he started moving in on me which was promptly halted by a well placed horizontal elbow to his solar plexus. He went down and stayed down for a couple of minutes... Damn it sucked to be him tonight! The thing is, the move was instinctual. I did not plan to do it, it's just a move I feel comfortable throwing at the heavy bag and it came so naturally tonight so the moral of the story is this: if I drill the techniques in the way you show, I know that they will be there when I need them. Thanks Trav


Martial Artist

Ground Breaking

Personally, I wasn't sure what to expect with this program but having seen the quality of the head movement series I had a feeling it was going to be well worth a punt. Coming from a background of 6 years of mixed martial arts, and actively training and teaching myself, I think that this program was a real must watch. Full of expert tips, brand new never before seen tricks and techniques and tons of legit street applicable tactics to learn and pass on to my students. Best of all the material is delivered in a hilarious and easily watchable way that will have you returning to the program again and again. Congratulations on a ground breaking program! The way distance learning martial arts should be taught.

Stephen Pencil


Worth Every Penny

Thanks for the awesome program man. Good teachers are few and far in-between and you good sir have a knack for breaking things down in an entertaining way that anyone can understand. Add the fact that you're genuinely passionate about what you do, and you have a top-notch practical program that's worth every penny! On the real I've learned a great deal from you dude and will continue to grab other programs from you as they come out. Hell maybe one day I'll come through for a live lesson!

Shaker Q



I've been psyched working on everything and especially lately the boxing combos and slips. I feel I am improving and I am just loving every new day of this program. I am always pumped to start the next day and each new phase of this. I am planning on repeating this program the next three months and getting better and better. Thanks for making this Trav... it makes autonomous home training very achievable. I also want to join the next Fight Smart program you put together.



Lightbulb Moment

Trav, just wanted say your program is awesome so far man. I got a chance to skim through the Week 4 vids and the 'Getting the most out of your movement' video was a total light bulb moment for me. 

I am a firm believer in this style... the destructive power of these moves is one of the reasons why I love to watch Tyson mess people up!



Effective For Building

Your elusive workouts are not only effective for moving ones ass, but also great at building up muscles, ligaments and tendons that support my rather unfit frame!

Greg Golden



10 minutes after watching the leaping hook video and I still have a residual boner.

Ben MacKenzie


The Best Buy

Buying this program is the best money I ever spent.

The Illustrist


Here are some kind words

About the Multiple Attackers Program

Couldn't Be Happier

I could not be happier with my purchase of the multiple attacker course! I have already watched 4 of the videos and that alone has been worth the price. It has expounded on many of the fighting techniques that I already know but given me new insight into putting more power into those moves. I didn't think I would learn much more than the what you have us for free, but you were right, that stuff was just the tip of the iceberg.  I can't wait to watch the rest and practice these on the bag and with my training partners.

Robert Allen  



 I love this program, the training is great and your coaching is excellent. I have learned a lot and I'm a boxing and Thai boxing coach with over twenty years of martial arts training behind me, this program would help anyone who wants to learn how to improve their defense, movement and fitness.

Thanks again for the great program and the comedy works a treat; your students are a great laugh and everyone loves a laugh, life is to short to be a serious boring s*** head


Boxing and Thai Boxing Coach

Crushing People

Trav, I am just getting my feet wet with the FMA course and already see that the money to purchase the course was incredibly well spent. My clinch has gone from a nonexistent move to one of the most crucial weapons in my arsenal. I am crushing people at my MMA school with it. Having coupled the lessons in the FMA course with regular workouts with the Head Movement MP3, my skills (as well as my confidence) are at an all-time high. Great job producing a course that teaches skills that have real world application and THANK YOU!  

Ken Marshall  

Martial Artist


Wanted to thank you for a great program. You give an excellent description of form and technique in great detail, and I really appreciate that you are happy to give feedback to any questions about the program. 

Looking forward to future lessons.

Jim from Arizona


Worth More

After spending today on the Fighting Multiple Attackers course, my candid review is that it combines three things I hoped for:  Techniques I haven't seen before (even that I've trained for years), instruction that's clear and entertaining, and an emphasis on practical street-fighting rather than sport. After four videos, I'm already much more prepared to face a multiple-attacker situation. Great little details. This course makes sure “FMA” doesn't turn into FML.  Worth WAY more than what it costs.


Martial Artist


This program is awesome. All of Trav's stuff that I've tried (The Head Movement Program, The MP3 Workouts, and the Fighting Bigger People series) have been tremendous for my progress as a relatively experienced martial artist. Not only have I developed my skills to be a more dangerous fighter than I expected, but I've also gotten in the best shape of my life by sticking to his workouts, which I find fun and stimulating. I highly recommend at least giving the program, as well as some of the Workout MP3s, a whirl to see if you can learn something new.  



High Quality Training

To anyone thinking about buying this course, Like many of you, I discovered Trav's skills through his head-popping 'how to avoid being hit' videos and moved through to the How To Fight Multiple Attackers series because it's something rarely covered by most martial arts schools. This course is an inoculation against adversity. Through digestible doses of high-quality training, Trav will guide you through the things that matter. There's no BS, no fluff, nothing wasted. These techniques are potential life savers but also confidence-givers. Knowing when and how to move when your fear freezes you to the floor is as important as knowing what not to do. Couple that with a stripped back technique aimed to win fights quickly and you have a course that will keep you safer than you'd get from years spent learning flying kicks in a dojo. The course is delivered in Trav's inimitable style, with humour and expertise in equal measure. You'll immediately start to incorporate movements into your workouts even if, like me, you don't have access to a heavy bag or human test subject. In less than 24 hours after working through the videos I feel more likely to make the right decisions and employ the most effective moves to win a fight against several attackers. How many martial arts clubs can say that? I highly recommend this series. Get involved.  

Richard Potts  



Hey Trav,

Your methods regarding fighting multiple opponents are illuminating. Personally, my background is modern Taekwondo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. So seeing a system comprised mostly of Muay Thai and a more practical 'street' BJJ (as opposed to tournament strategy) has given me a ton of new techniques to learn.  I wish all of my time was spent on stuff that will work in the street.

As a martial artist, this is the kind of thing that keeps me engaged.  So thanks man, this system is awesome."

-Ben Taylor

Ben also sent this to me in a separate email:

"That knee-bar/backward roll in your FMA program was incredible. Seriously! Before that I had just thought people would be hopelessly screwed if they fell and were being kicked. I could go on, but you've changed my game, inspired confidence and made me laugh quite a few times, so thank you."

Ben Taylor, Los Angeles  


Couldn't Be Happier

I very recently purchased the Fight Smart FMA (Fighting Multiple Attackers) course, and couldn't be happier with my decision.  Every video in the first week of the series is both highly educational and very entertaining. These videos are not only worth the money I spent, but more importantly for me, they are are worth my time, which is a far more precious (irreplaceable) resource.

Trav's techniques are different from my own martial arts experience, and their practical value is immediately recognizable.  To anyone considering buying this course but is unsure if you can really learn from videos, I would encourage you to give it a shot!  Since the course includes lifetime access to the materials, you can repeat the same points again and again. Doing this in a live dojo tends to annoy the instructor and the other students after a while.

Each lesson in the series targets a specific point or technique, so practice stays focussed.  I would recommend this course to anyone looking to increase his or her practical street-fighting knowledge, or to anyone seeking to learn how multiple attackers can be effectively dealt with.

I definitely consider it a good investment.



Here are some kind words

About the Striking Dojo

The Best Ever

Hi Trav, I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your courses. I have been following the Striking Dojo for the past two months and I think I'm making great progress. This is the best martial arts instruction that I've ever come across. 

I bought the Head Movement mp3 a while back and I work on it a couple of times per week. I also have the Leg Locks course, but I've not yet had much time to really get onto it yet, although I'm very much looking forward to it. 

I am completely new to all of this; I haven't been in a street fight since I was a kid, which I lost horribly.  Although I played ice hockey for 25 years, I tended to avoid the fighting part of it.  I had a couple of bigger boys to look after me :-D.  I'm really having fun learning the basics of striking and movement.

I'm just training at home alone at the moment but my 12 year old son is starting to show an interest, so I've been showing him a couple of moves.

Thanks so much for all your help. I love your coaching style and you never fail to make me laugh.


fight smart striking dojo testimonial 1

Richard Cargill  


Required Learning

G'day mate William Tweed, owner & developer of Attack & Evade Boxing Techniques here. We’re a Boxing Club in South Australia. I wanted to let you know that we recently went to the state titles and won the novice light weight division. I have to say that your teaching style and knowledge has improved my own teaching qualities & scientific knowledge of the sport & human anatomy. It's always enjoyable watching how you deliver your tutorials; you're a straight shooter & entertaining.

This course should be required learning at every martial arts school.  Thank you for sharing it with us.

Keep on keeping on!

Kind Regards    

William (Bill) Tweed 

Attack and Evade Boxing Techniques

Like Crack?

I have done three of your courses in part because you have trained with Oleg Taktarov and Bas Rutten. These guys are legends to me.  Anyways anytime I add stuff to my training program that you post for free I buy the course.  So I’ve now bought this course as well as the Head Movement and Leg Lock course.  

I honestly think that one of your single greatest videos is the footwork video, it should not be free.   

Movement is like crack for me.  I took karate for about 10 years and always got blasted in the front leg.  Now, thanks to you, I can check leg kicks at will. My entire shadowboxing career is based on your stance.  

I have read everything from Bruce Lee, James Keating, Joseph Simonet, Kelly McCann, William Cheung, and the list goes on.  However, my practice centers around what you teach.  This is as much as a compliment I can give any man.  

Keep the stuff coming there are guys in the garage training what you teach. Such is the gift of mobility a curse on karate’s 70/30 stance.

Jeremy Kosc  

Karate Practitioner

An Ongoing Challenge

I've been using the Head Movement Program since early summer and I can now give you a more meaningful critique of your programs.

I have used many popular programs including fitness ones. Those programs are good to excellent in their early stages. But once muscle memory takes hold, they become routine and then boring. I find your program to be an ongoing challenge. I can incorporate new combinations to both MP3 workouts based on the video lessons and it will take me years to master the combination of techniques, speed and force.

When compared to internet exercise programs you outperform your competition. Before buying the two programs from you, I tried
some free versions online and my fight gym online boxing lessons. The former is imbecilic and while my fight gym is better, the $9.99 monthly subscription fee is crazy. For what? You KO those two programs. (read more)

H. Brian Goh 


Thank You

I just wanted to thank you again for the suggestions you had for us. Since we started working on your suggestions, the boy you helped us with has won 1st place in his division at two tournaments. None of his matches were even close. At the last one, he was challenged to fight a second-degree black belt and he is a green belt. He overwhelmed the kid and spent most of his time chasing him around the ring. At both tournaments he was warned by refs that he was too aggressive and was using too much power! That makes me especially happy 🙂 He's still more of a brawler than a boxer, but it's working for him for now.

Cody's parents are ecstatic to see their son go from an uncoordinated weakling to a competitive kickboxer in two years! He still has a long way to go, but he's cleaning up the 15-17 year-old division in the state. So, thank you, my friend. I hope your business is going strong.    



For the Family

I may have told you I began looking at how to protect my wife and youngest daughter in public after watching how 4 punks attacked an out-of-town defenseless couple. 

The whole program is something as husbands we should want to watch and prepare to use to defend our families and ourselves. It can happen out of nowhere and we should be able to respond as if it is second nature. You have put together a complete package for offence and defense. I feel more confident, hopefully I won't hit like a girl! 

Each day I watch and add something new...point of attack, fight angles, blocking kicks, Joe Frazier moves, dipping, adjusting, backing up, etc. If someone like me can learn your fight techniques, anyone can. My best weapon is if someone looks at me and thinks I'm too old to fight!

~keep feeding your family and us on your FIGHTSMART program!  


Father Extraordinaire


Trav, I just wanted to say Thank You for putting together your site/business. I'm turning 44 years old this year. I've never been in a fight, yet something inside of me has always made me wonder how I'd do. I started Muay Thai classes on May 1st this year. When I started, I was so pleasantly surprised at these fighters/athletes! They were motivating, encouraging, helpful and wonderful people and they made it a very positive environment! I've also started working out a gym lifting weights. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Along with all that, I watch your videos nearly every day for education and motivation; and I enjoy your humor as well!

I have a wonderful marriage, family, home, business, vehicles, vacations...you name it. I thought all those things were what I needed to be successful and happy life, but I never truly felt complete. Learning how to fight and getting into great physical shape has made me look at life in a whole new way! I'm getting more confident, I’m feeling better and I’m sleeping better. I'm dialing in on healthy eating and learning about nutrition. My outlook on life is so bright right now! And to you, I just wanted you to know you are a big part of that. Thank you!

Kind regards,    



Exactly What I Wanted

The program is exactly what I wanted. It's instructive and it generates a great workout. I found your videos on YouTube and became more interested in learning Boxing and Muay Thai. I did some basic boxing in high school, so I have some idea of what I’m doing.

I'm learning several new techniques from your videos. I was trying to improve my hand speed but would never have associated hand speed with first step quickness - thanks for that.

I feel like I'm learning something new with each lesson and that's great for keeping me engaged. Again, the programs are well above my expectations

P.S. I can't believe how much they missed in my MMA classes.  I wish you could come out to CA and start a gym!  


MMA Fighter

Absolutely Love It

Dear Trav,

Thank you for your excellent products. I already purchased your Head Movement and Striking Dojo programs and I absolutely love them. They coincide perfectly with the coaching that I'm getting from my professional trainers. They are truly well put together, easy to follow, and excellent programs that inter-mingle perfectly with my current training. They are excellent at sharpening my skills significantly! It's great to be able to watch the videos and listen to them when I'm sitting comfortably in my home; then I rehearse and visualize the movements in my mind over and over, then I put them to use at the gym. Your videos have significantly boosted my skills in many ways. Thank you.    



the head movement training program review

Here are some kind words

About The Head Movement Training Program

Life Changing

Without getting too long winded I wanted to let you know how life changing your program has been to me, and by extension to those that I have been training with.

I've obviously been implementing your techniques and training with great results (I'm killing my peers with the head movement game).

I can't even tell you how helpful it is that you not only break down the technique, but also that you show us the real application and drills.  I get to climb inside your head and know what you're thinking because you explain why you implement every detail.

Overall it really is an invaluable program, and I just wanted to personally thank you for all that you've put into it.

Adam Thompson

Martial Artist


Dear Trav,

I've been practicing head movement and stuff 3 times a week, and I gotta say, it's really changed my game around. 

I still get hit a few times, but it's never where the other person was actually trying to hit - I can take forearm/shoulder hits all day, and I've only taken like 1-2 hits to the chin from doing something stupid. It's awesome!

And working my footwork just changed everything so much I can really dance around a guy and drive them crazy. Thanks!

Best regards,

Ray Chou

Martial Artist

Utterly Fantastic

Hey Trav,

I'm compelled to express how utterly fantastic your HM program is! 

Either as a stand alone or an addition to an existing discipline, your program is world class. 

Thanks for the great videos and master instruction.

I have learned more from your classes in weeks than I have in years. Rock on!!

P.S.  When will you conduct another live seminar?

Dan Galarza


Top Shelf


Your videos are top shelf sir.

I'm one of the real deal subscribers that purchased the head movement program several months ago, and just gotta say it has significantly upped my game. My balance and stability when throwing punches and kicks is way more solid, I'm faster, much more squirrelly, and much harder to hit.

You have dispelled my previous belief that one can't learn badass martial arts skills on the Internets.

Carry on good man, I will continue to train and work the head movement skills.



The Most Effective Tool

Hey Trav, Just wanted to send a quick email to let you know I have been using the drills in your head movement program religiously for about 3 months now.

It is quite literally the most effective tool I have in my arsenal, especially when combined with these counter attacks.

I just wanted to say thanks for your time and effort with your videos and that if you ever find yourself in British Columbia, swing by our school! Your teaching would be invaluable and I would love to see you slip a few punches 😉 

Thanks again Trav.

Rich Mott


Greatly Improved

Hey Trav,

I'm a member of the head movement program (and still very much just a beginner), but I wanted to tell you just how much you have helped so far. The lessons have greatly improved my skills, but even more my confidence.

I just wanted to let you know how much of a difference you're making, (in case you ever get to questioning your life while sitting behind a screen). Keep up the great work. I look forward to honing my skills as we go along.

Tristan Monroe

U.S. Military



Wanted to let you know my fight tonight went great, slipped a few wild shots early got a sweet osoto gari and swung into an arm triangle. 

Quick finish and not a scratch thanks to your head movement drills. 

Thanks again man!

James Dalton

Competitive Fighter

Loving It

Hi Trav,

I'm just sending this to say thank you so much for these programmes. I am 17 years old and a black belt in karate and found this head movement course to be very helpful when sparring.

Not only does it help me to remain calm but also dodge a lot of quick punches. Thanks so much, keep doing what you're doing.  I’m really loving the course and recommend it to anybody out there!


Martial Artist

The Best

Hey Trav,

I purchased the head movement training... it's the best training I've ever purchased.

It has helped me immensely and I use it daily...  it is my meditation!

It has also made watching boxing/mma more fun and interesting... you are an excellent teacher and keep things fun.

Mike Sampson



Hi Trav, I am 44 years old, love boxing but never had the balls to stand up for myself.  I have been watching your videos for a while and had my 1st street fight a week ago.

I am very proud to say that I threw the overhand right set-up from the bob and weave course and knocked the guy straight out (and then all his friends S#$% themselves and backed off).

Thank you so much for your lessons and I guarantee no one is ever going to mess with me again!  Thank you Trav.

Ace McDermott



 I love this program, the training is great and your coaching is excellent. I have learned a lot and I'm both a boxing and thai boxing coach with over twenty years of martial arts training behind me.

This program would help anyone who wants to learn how to improve their defense, movement and fitness.

Thanks again for the great program and the comedy works a treat; your students are a great laugh and everyone loves a laugh, life is to short to be a serious boring s*** head Best,


Hull Wing Chun


Trav, So there I was, yesterday, the sole occupant of an elevator in a Seattle hotel. Suddenly, almost without warning or forethought, I broke into a some quick head movement reps. The audience of my subconscious cheered as I slickly dodged and slipped punches from an opponent much larger than the ectomorph that is yours truly. Triumphant, the 7th floor suddenly appeared in front of me, and I continued my day as if I had not just wore the hell out of a vicious opponent in the elevator.

Rick Weldner

Elevator Ninja

Fight Smart Leg Locks review

Here are some kind words

About Leg Locks: The Great Equalizer


I am a skinny 58 year old goat. I had the opportunity this weekend to cut a young bull down to size a bit. I took a shot at his front leg, grabbed a heel hook, and made him scream and surrender. Man it felt good! I had a talk with him about “mutual respect” before letting him back up. One of the most exciting experiences I’ve ever had. Thank you for making these techniques available to people like myself.

Andre S.

Old Goat

A Whole New World

Trav, I really enjoyed the course. I had never been exposed to leg locks because the BJJ/kickboxing/Krav Maga classes won’t focus on them because they are too "dangerous to train". I feel like a whole new world has been opened to me and I’ve been using this stuff to create all kinds of havoc on my training partners. Thanks again man. This is well worth the money.

PS. Love the striking stuff you do too. Feel free to drop another MP3 for your boy. I use the olds ones couples time a week.  

James McCreary

Martial Artist


I must say thank you. You have kept me safe and will keep me safe in the future; the Leg Lock course is magnificent. I have let the river of brutality flow I might be 16 and still in high school but most certainly impressed a girl and will keep her safe as well. 

Thanks so much and keep up the good work.




Hey Trav,

Firstly I'd like to thank you for putting together such an awesome set of online courses. I first discovered you a while back through your Head Movement video and the other free videos you had put out on YouTube. I then signed up to receive some of your bonus videos and receive your emails. Recently I purchased your Leg Lock and supplemental Striking Dojo courses. I must say, I'm really happy with both of them.

I'm also extremely stoked because I've managed to finally assemble a small squad (3 + me) of my close personal defense minded (violent) friends to train on a weekly basis. This first session was great. We spent a bit of time hitting pads as well as drilling some choke defense and a few moves a couple of us had learned in Krav Maga classes. I then had them watch the first leg lock video, about escaping mount and going into a heel hook. It was great to be able to watch the video and then drill the moves. This is a very effective way to learn.  


Martial Artist

The Best

Hey Trav

Your Leg Lock Course was one of the best things to happen to me for a long time! A game changer for my whole grappling approach, I would say. Yes, I admit it, I’m one of these Wing Chun guys with 10 years plus training. But in my defense, it’s the way you train I think is important. So I practice in a MMA environment and do no gi grappling too.

I’m around 156 lbs. and the main guys I roll with are 198 lbs. and more. I think you can imagine the looks they gave me in the past, when I was trying to put a leg lock on them. Now things have changed and they keep watching their legs much more than before. The best thing is that I start to see opportunities. When in a bad situation, just looking for that leg or foot that is within. And to say, your mount escape ( to leg lock ) is awesome.

If you planned some more grappling courses with Dan Fisher, I think I’m gonna buy them too.

Cheers and Thanks  


MMA Fighter

Owning Folks

The Leg Lock course is an amazing course filled with not only the fundamentals and basics of leg locks as advertised--but it was so great I wanted to drop a line to give my testimony that this course is the most complete compilation of knowledge when it comes to attacking the lower-body that I've ever seen in one place. 

Not to mention most of these things, I've never seen AT ALL. I love MMA and have trained Jiu-Jitsu, both gi and no gi, and it's amazing how nearly all MMA gyms have ignored and continue to ignore pretty much all lower body attacks even though they are SUCH quick fight enders.

Since going through this course, I've pulled off several of these moves with partners and let me say this, they have NO IDEA what's going on or what to do. 

Even some of the best guys I've rolled with only know how to lazily roll-out of a standard knee-bar. Get this course, drill it, and you will start owning folks left and right.  


Jiu Jitsu Practitioner

Comprehensive and Complete


I just finished the Leg Lock program after about 7 months of training. It is an amazing course; it’s very comprehensive and complete. I couldn't find a partner willing to take the chance to practice these moves with a beginner, so I used a Jiu-Jitsu dummy. But this allowed me to practice the moves hundreds and hundreds of times as hard as possible. It's to the point where the Fischer figure four to heel hook is almost automatic. It's good to know that if a fight ever comes my way, I can grab a foot and it end it quickly and brutally.

And now on to the Fighting Larger Opponents program.



Martial Artist

It Works

Hi Trav

As usual your stuff works bro. I accidentally used it whilst working as a doorman this weekend, when I ended up on my butt... lol.

I shot straight back on my knees with a takedown and boom the lock was in. Before I knew that was the end of it, the guy was screaming - luckily I didn't tear his kneecap apart but there was enough pain and fright to stop him right there without going to blows.





There’s only one word - Awesome!! I like your fresh approach to training in general whether it is the Striking courses or this Leg Lock course!!

My background is Sambo and we did a ton of leg locks, but the variations that Dan and you taught are just awesome!! My new go to moves are the knee separator from the guard and my fav of all time figure four leg tie up after a double or single leg takedown!!

I’m looking forward to some more training vids



Sambo Practitioner

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Two weeks after I got your course and had been practicing it, I got jumped by an inmate during a cell search, and he had a shank. I used your sleeve defense and it worked perfectly! Also I loved the way you presented the statistics. statistically what to practice for literally made me faster, he attacked exactly the way I trained for, in other words he first shoved and then grabbed my shirt with his left hand and came in low on the right with the shank. your defense worked perfectly and I walked without a scratch I now teach my guys that technique and I'm pushing all of them to buy your stuff. you sent me home safe bro and I appreciate it!!! 

if you want to use this comment as part of your marketing please do so just leave my name out of it due to HIPAA laws and various state laws that govern correctional officers here. they can actually fire me if this comment was connected to me that's why I sent it as an email but anyway thanks again looking forward to the rest of your training.


Correctional Officer
Super-max facility for the criminally insane



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You have made me a crazy person, I have ordered my first ever rubber knife. I have someone to practice with gently. I am very excited, I wish I had someone to throw and wrestle, but no takers so far. I want to try some of the take downs. It’s excellent stuff. It’s the most friendly, kind spirited training to kick the snot out of attackers ever.

Thanks Trav

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Donna Perez



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Helen Green


Fight Smart