...two weeks after I got your course and had been practicing it, I got jumped by an inmate during a cell search with his some-made shank. I used your sleeve defense and it worked perfectly. He attacked exactly the way you showed us and that I trained for. He first shoved and then grabbed my shirt with his left hand and came in low on the right with the shank. Your defense worked perfectly and I walked without a scratch. Now I teach my guys that technique and I'm pushing all of them to buy your stuff. You sent me home safe bro and I appreciate it!!!
If you want to use this comment as part of your marketing please do so just leave my name out of it due to HIPAA laws and various state laws that govern correctional officers here. They could fire me if this comment was connected to me. but anyway thanks again looking forward to the rest of your training.
Good video, but when are we having a video about the best hookers of all time
I’ve been doing martial arts for 26 years and I learn something new everyday. What I did notice in your top five hook punching videos is that the elbow and hip are always connected regardless of your stance or foot position.
Love your videos!!
In the 90’s my boxing coach was 74 years old (so this isn’t something new) and he said this (I don’t remember exact words): newbies should never jump/leap, but when they learn the proper technique, then they are free to do it when needed. I guess some people have forgot the newbie part. I have taught this as my coach told me back then.
These videos are not short of laughter lol I love your presence it’s a gift lol. I have totally slowed my hooks down during training so my pad partner can keep up and I don’t hit them in the head. Great video, also on a side note I didn’t see any female fighters, not on the street fights or the professional ones. Maybe they don’t understand the hooking concept in the same way 🤔 🤣
Great stuff! So fun to watch and something I’m going to try this next weekend.