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Expert MMA and Self Defense Taught... Smartly.

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Improve Your Fighting Skills

Dodge Punches Like A Ninja

Don't get beat up.  It hurts, and it's embarrassing.

This site has one purpose: to teach you a series of mixed martial arts and self defense techniques that will work in any scenario. (If it works in a cage, it will work anywhere).

These are all fighting techniques that I picked up in my career as a mixed martial arts fighter and I've used all of them with great success over the years... in both live sparring, and in 'street fights' (unfortunately).

I picked up a lot of these moves as they were done to me.  If it hurt, I wrote it down

The bottom line is that all of this stuff works.  It's not like going to a Kung Fu class for 5 years, getting your black belt, and then still getting smashed by some chubby, ill-tempered bully.  Certain arts are an incredible waste of time, and the embarrassment of losing to sloppy dumbass is tough to live down.  

That shall not happen!

Many of these techniques were taught to me by UFC champions like Bas Rutten, Frankie Edgar, and Eddie Alvarez... I've modified a lot of them to function in scenarios where 'there are no rules'.  This stuff will hurt people, so use it for good.  Don't be a douche. 

Nevertheless, register for the website (again it's free) and learn everything that you can. If you have any questions, post them on the pages of the videos and I'll answer them at some point. If you let me know exactly what you want to learn, I will also try to make a video for it (I refuse to rush though).

Enjoy the site, and your new skills.  Use them to protect people!

Let me know if you have any questions as you're learning how to fight like a savage beast.  


Here's the comment section...

Humans like to talk about things.

  • I have been following you for a long time. I first started practicing your first videos the ones where you give tuturial regarding footwork and always going back to your home stance. I also watched your how to punch video. I have been practicing the basics on and off for a couple of years now because of life. When life is going good I get the chance to practice, and when life gets hard I can’t seem to find time. A few years ago a friend of mine who used to box at an amateur level helped teach me some boxing basics and he said that my footwork and basic skills where really good. I was very happy to hear that and I appreciate all of your videos because I know that through the practices I made, even if they are small and repetitive, I was able to impress someone who is an actual boxer. He taught me a couple of other things before he moved off island. All in all thanks for your videos and I really look forward to practicing more of what you are teaching. Please, keep up the good work and motivation.

  • By the way I appreciate what you said about the FEMAL ALGERIAN BOXER. Some people just deny the truth no matter how clearly it stands before their eyes!

  • Good job Trav, thank you the pimpin section was helpful. This is a great site you got going here, have a good one.

  • Hey Trav,

    I’ve been watching your videos for years. Infact, I bought your lifetime package years ago and now am enjoying them all over again. I was trying to watch your new “minimalist” videos but it says I’m locked out of that series of videos. I thought that the lifetime package included all new material as well. Am I wrong?

    • First of all, thanks for being such a great customer man. So this is taken directly from the All Access Pass Page: “This package will give you access to every single training program and every single MP3 that is currently available, and you’ll have access for a lifetime. This will NOT unlock every program that I ever make in the future, but here’s what you’ll get”:

      Anyhow, you’re not the only person who has had this question… but I can’t think of any other way to say, “this is everything I currently have,” without potentially signaling through verbiage that everything might be included forever. Sadly, I can’t ever create a package where I give away everything forever because I have no other job or retirement plan… and I wouldn’t be able to price the All Access Pass so affordably, if I couldn’t continue to sell stuff in the future.

      With that said, shoot me an email and I’ll hook you up with a coupon code to thank you for supporting everyone here at Fight Smart.

  • Hi trav. I just want to thank you for everything. I honestly never even thought of buying any of your programs, they are to expensive for me. But over the years you still kept sending me those emails, making new great free videos with the best fighting tips in the whole internet. For real. Tony Jeffreys, gabriel Varga, hard 2 hurt, jeff chan, and many others have good videos but none of them gives such a good striking base like you. You bring a scientific aproach to mma that no one else has. Everyone says “do this cause i say so” “this is how it is” but you, even though you are a pro fighter, aproach things like someone who knows nothing, and you really try to find the truth. Thanks for everything. Greetings from Argentina!

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