A Chat With Chat GPT

Gettin' Nerdy With It

Trav: Can you create an image of an MMA nerd?

ChatGPT: Here is the image of an MMA nerd.
If you need any modifications or additional details, feel free to let me know!

Trav:  Can you make him nerdier and more cartoonish?

ChatGPT:  Here is the image of a nerdier, more cartoonish MMA enthusiast.
Let me know if there are any further adjustments you would like!


Here is the image of an extremely nerdy and cartoonish MMA enthusiast.
I hope this matches your vision! Let me know if you need any further changes.


ChatGPT:  Here is the image of an extremely nerdy and cartoonish MMA enthusiast.
I hope this meets your expectations! If you need further adjustments, just let me know.

Trav:  You have made a bold decision with the double hoop earrings.
One that I indeed made myself in the early 2000s, when I was a fledgeling MMA nerd.

ChatGPT:  That's a cool detail to know!
If you have any more specific elements or memories
you'd like to incorporate into future designs or images, just let me know.

Trav:  Yeah. I said NERDIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not way, way cooler.

Trav:  What the hell is in his ear?

It looks like the character has something odd in his ear, which may have been an unintended detail in the generation. Let's try creating the image again without any unusual items in his ear. I'll make sure to specify this clearly.

Would you like any other specific adjustments while we redo this?

Trav: Yes. Nerdier.

ChatGPT: Here is the image of an outrageously nerdy and
cartoonish MMA enthusiastwithout anything unusual in his ear.

I hope this meets your expectations! If you need further adjustments, just let me know.

Trav: Fine. Thank you, robot.

Now, after this email was sent out, my buddy only identified as "RavenousWolf" as his email handle sent me the image below.  Clearly I need to work on my AI promt technique... because quite honestly, this is exactly the MMA nerd that I strive to be.

We should all be hungry for the knowledge that makes us powerful. 

This was quickly followed by another user submission to make our nerd even 'cooler'... but I do note the absence of double hoop earrings. 

  • 2 questions:
    1) how does the bow tie stay in place?
    2) Is there a defense for getting punched in the bow tie? (Asking for a friend)

  • I ain’t fighting anyone who walks around with his bow tie stapled to the skin on his chest.

  • This is f#*king hilarious. Thank you for the laugh. I’ve never used the AI, and don’t intend to, but this was a nice moment of levity. Funny how Mr. GPT images a “nerd” as having 0% body fat and abs of steel. But it’ll crank up those glasses. Anyway, thanks for the good content.

  • hahahaha! You never fail to deliver a knock-out blow. Both with your hands and your humor, Sensei.

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