Jean-Charles Skarbowsky

The Drunken, Cigarette Fueled Master

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  • It’s not always a strong physique – knowing physics is usually a better or complimentary factor. Additionally one area that has never been explore in MMA or minimally used is PPD/pressure point defense.

  • I used to train with with former world ranked no. 1 Thai boxer in Thailand (also a European) and they’re not all like that. The guy I trained with didn’t drink or smoke, had become a monk for a while and was the cleanest living guy you can imagine. Not all the Thais drink or smoke either, not at the higher levels.

    Mind you, I do think that this guy’s slightly psycho attitude probably makes him a more difficult opponent in some ways.

  • Can confirm. I’m not that good. I’m not nearly that good. But I’ve done judo for 20+ years and jiu-jitsu for 5+, and I’ve had friends with little experience try to wrestle me when I’ve been half drunk at a party and it was no contest.

  • The guy is good no doubt but his “competition” didn’t look like they could fight their way out of a wet paper bag

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