Venom's Style Finally Exploited

In Glorious Brain-Thumping Fashion

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Humans like to talk about things:

  • “Like a slain Pokemon, Venom’s soul now sits in a dusty Pokeball, somewhere under one of Lima’s couches”

  • “Asking like a douche” I have been thinking about that for some time. I will root for the demise of such a douche. I don’t care that they may fight well. “Douche” wins out. What a jack-ass.

  • In all honesty, it was only a matter of time before Page was KO’d. He’s no Anderson Silva and wasn’t interested in going over to the UFC.
    It was always said that Lima or Rory will stop him in Bellator.

  • Lima timing or reading mvp rythum as he didn’t move back out as much and stayed heavy on his lead leg so he could throw the cross.Upward kick to unbalance then uppercut.Beatifull to watch.

  • Absolutely dead on in your analysis. The only person whose web channel I’ve seen which is as good as your in break-downs is someone called “The Weasel” on YouTube.(check him out for some serious fight critiques). Absolutely LOVE your breakdowns. If you ever decide to, Hollywood could definitely use your comedic talents! (I’m’ not kidding – been there myself & being able to write clever/funny dialog in TV/Film is the most highly employable talent trait in “Tinsel Town”).
    Keep up the great editing & SpeFx. People respond to something more when you can inject humor to make your point. If you ever wanted, you’d make an excellent MMA coach. I honestly mean that. Any “almost-there” or “rising” intelligent fighter who can take direction would benefit greatly from your ability to see flaws in an opponents style. Keep up the good, nay, Keep up the GREAT work! – D.J.

    p.s. you got extra points from me for the great special effects and Literal “hammer fists” on this one. lmao!!!

  • when your kick to sweep a leg misses, you can turn this into a spinning rear roundhouse or backhand. I know because it happened to me : (

  • Hiya Travis my 13 year old son has been training since five a couple of years in must this then he moved into boxing.I’m quite internet dumb to say the least bit I’m interested in getting him some vids from you is head movement which I thought was excellent the clip I saw.I know your point laughing but I’m like a cave man tech wise.thanks buddy r hughes

  • Never the less MVP is in what he does an absolute talent and very interesting to watch. He brings something different to the table. Mocking the opponent with the showboating kind of style is just a type of warfare on a psychological level which is also something what gives sports in general an extra dimension. He reminds me a little bit of NAS. MVP did have some crazy knockouts and nice wins against some pretty dangerous guys. So as a fan just had to Give this to the guy.
    Learning and enjoying your videos lessons daily!

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