Josh Kelly vs Tom Whitfield

Pretty good.

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  • That guy is a real pretty boy… When ever I get in a fight with a guy that looks good like him, I figure either he never fights (saving facial features) or he is really good at fighting and never gets hit. Obviously, this is a guy that never gets hit! Lol

  • Wow I’m a fan.. Kelly is a great fighter..haven’t seen anyone that cocky , precise and fast since Prince Naseem in his prime! Thanks for sharing Trav .you rock!

  • Hey Trav,
    Your not a dumb guy…so why did Whitfield’s corner motion with his fingers as Whitfield looks over,to stay down??? Twice! Once 6:06 and then again at 6:11. Then as the replay shows the end of the fight, from an other angle. Whitfield’s eyes are clear as a bell.Whitfield had a chance to escape to his left, to avoid Kelly’s left hooks, but did not move an inch. This is why I don’t watch boxing anymore, it’s rigged. But, it was a really good example of what your trying to sell us… Great head movement!!! (by Josh, not so much by Tom.)

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