ideally, Exercise Should build a skill.
Here at West Chester Personal Training and MMA, we build powerful MMA technique and simultaneously get you into ridiculous shape while you're learning.
After all, why not build the ability to beat the crap out of people while you build your abs and such?
Look... I don't know what brought you here, but if you're feeling crappy when you look in the mirror, or if you question your ability to defend yourself, you have come to the right place.
In fact, let’s look at my 'before' picture, and laugh at my expense! That should be fun…
I found that first pic on the left on an old hard drive not too long ago and thought it might be a good way to show you that when it comes to completely overhauling your body, I do have methods that work... and they will work for you.
Together, we will make a program that systematically helps you accomplish your goals.
(And we will punch and kick some stuff)
So take a moment and think of your goal... what do you want to achieve? Hold it in your mind for a second...
Do you need to burn off some fat to get there? Or build muscle? Perhaps you want to learn how to beat the crap out of people while simultaneously burning fat and building muscle?
Your training should be tailored to your goals,
just as your fighting style should be tailored to your body type...
Even your diet should be tailored to the task at hand.
(Despite my clear meat-headishness, I so have a nutrition degree from UPenn, so I know a thing or two about the food game.)
In short...
1. We take proven exercise science to push your body quickly into adaptation.
2. We combine this with the most effective mixed martial arts technique for you and your body type.
3. We start paying attention to the stuff that you put into your mouth.
...and after building a few simple habits, we turn you into a warrior freak.
On top of this, we will work towards any secondary goals that you have... depending on who's Instagram you've been following.
You want a bigger butt?
Great. We will build it, and it will be breathtakingly awesome... and then we'll take pictures and put it up on this website. What!? That's right. I said it.
Moving on...
I'm no web guru, but after constant pressure
I have assembled this web-portal, just for you!
(If anything is broken, please tell me so I can
scratch my head and eventually forget about it.)
You can scroll down a bit to learn about my preferred styles of martial arts and the types of training in which I am specialized.
The 'blog' contains both articles that I have written to teach you some stuff and to inspire thought.
Sometimes, its a pile of word salad that I flung together in an effort to make Google think I'm relevant.
If you want to read more about how / why I became a trainer, and the kind of place we run here... you can click here and keep reading but I will question your judgement.
Boxing is should be the fundamental groundwork upon which your entire striking style should be built.
Too many fighters get distracted by the power of Muay Thai strikes and forget to build the footwork that actually sets them up!
You want to punch well? Boxing. You want to be able to effortlessly dodge every punch thrown at you? Also boxing.
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Muay Thai Kickboxing
As far as 'stand up' arts go, this is the most brutal fighting style that there is.
Instead of fancy moves that look pretty, Muay Thai focuses exclusively on the cutting impact of elbows, the muscle deadening blows dealt by shin bones, and the ridiculous brute force that can be generated by your knee caps.
When it comes to women's self defense, this is the most effective standing style.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Jiu Jitsu (directly translated “gentle art”) is a fairly complex grappling style that has garnered a lot of respect in over the years.
With the foundation of the UFC, Jiu Jitsu was seen be be an virtually dominant martial art, and should be a staple in all self-defense related styles.
Instead of bashing your opponent's head with your fragile fists, you can gently choke him to sleep.
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Resistance Training
Whether you want to build strength or muscle mass, resistance training is non-optional. Our goal is to get your muscle to adapt, and specific goals will require specific training.
While the majority of our training will NOT revolve around resistance training, this remains to be the best supplementary exercise for additional goals.
Rehabbing injuries, building bigger butts, developing arm muscularity... it all comes back to pushing through resistance.
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I'm no Yoga master, but I am fairly skilled at meditatively breathing through extremely uncomfortable physical situations... which is probably the most valuable gift that you can receive from this practice.
(I suppose the flexibility is nice too, especially when you need to tie your limber legs around someone's neck in order to choke him.)
Nevertheless, this is one of the training methodologies that we employ when a combination of strength, flexibility, and meditative skill are required.
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Pilates is a form of core training that is designed primarily to build the 'transversus abdominus,' which is a subset of neglected abdominal muscles that span across your abdomen.
The inventor theorized that if you can make these muscles strong enough, they can overcompensate for weakness elsewhere in the body, and allow you to heal.
Despite being considered a 'girly exercise' system, there is massive athletic benefit... besides just just making your stomach look good. In fact, I wrote and article about it, and you can click here to...
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Being flexible allows you to kick people in the head. It also makes you more resistant to injury.
I've had trainees who have left a lifetime of pain behind them, simply be restoring the natural range of motion to previously damaged muscles.
Sometimes, the way to make progress is simply by getting your body out of its own way.
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While destroying the bag with a flying knee is not technically a 'plyometric', it does demonstrate what you can do with the explosive power that they build.
This form of jumping exercise will actually trick the muscles in your lower body into contracting more violently than they would in other forms of exercise.
As such, it's essential for any athlete who needs speed in any capacity.
They also make your butt and legs look good...
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